Courage For Your BEST SELF During Hard Times

During hard life circumstances, we are pressed to let go off our strengths. However, let’s remember that we are so much stronger than we can imagine. We are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10)! Everything ends. Whether it’s good or bad, it doesn’t last forever. During hard times, our minds tend to expand the situation as they occur, and this might seem that the negative situation will last much longer. Things will change for the better! Hold on tight to your faith, hope, and courage to show life circumstances that they can MAKE you but not BREAK you. We can be knocked down but we will not be knocked out! Buckle up, and let’s B.E.S.T our best!

Realizing the reality and severity of the situation is one. And, realizing the overcoming power that exists within you, your innate abilities, and resilience is critical. Yes, we can be hard-pressed on all sides, but with God, on our side, we are not crushed. We can be perplexed but not hopeless, we can be pushed through hurdles, but not destroyed. We still have greatness in us because we are not done and gone! (John 4:4). We can start replacing those limiting thoughts and beliefs with uplifting and empowering ones. It’s about THINKING it (our thoughts), FEELING it (our experiences), SAYING it (our words) and DOING it (our actions).

Uncertainty can be scary. Fears are common. The goal is for us not to allow our fear, doubts, and life circumstances to drown us. Choose to exercise control over fear. Fears can develop in our thoughts. But we have the power to control our thoughts. Develop a hope that is based on the firm ground of faith and conviction and not just on the fluctuation of feelings and certain situations. There is always that reason to stay hopeful. Hope grants us the strengths we need to approach life circumstances with courage, determination, and a different outlook. It gives us faith and strength to transcend failures and move on to success.

Be strong and be courageous. Your God will not leave you or forsake you, especially in crisis period. Courage doesn’t mean there is no fear, it means you can resiliently master that fear. When we lose hope and faith and get swamped in discouragement, we will start thinking that our situations will not get better. Remember that God hears our cries of pain. He is your steady foundation even when everything else may fall apart. He has good plans for us: to proposer us, and to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). He is very good at turning something so bad into something so good. Let’s hang on to His love!

Life circumstances exist, and we do not have control over many of them. Our emotions fluctuate within those life circumstances and they are hard to manage. But, our choices, our thoughts, and responses during those life situations are within our control. Our reactions greatly impact us physically, psychologically, and emotionally as they influence our beliefs, choices, perceptions, and feelings about situations. Do what you can and trust your God to take care of the rest. Cultivate and nurture your confidence, keep developing your capabilities, strengthen your positive characters, and grow your commitment to unleash your hope, faith, and courage for transformation. Whatever your faith may be, and wherever its origin may be, don’t forget to lean on your own higher power. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”- (Philippians 4:6)

Stay strong! Don’t Quit! Once there is a way into a situation, there will always be a way out of it. No condition is permanent! “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds…”(Philippians 4:7).

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