Don’t Give Up, Don’t Lose Heart: Be Encouraged!

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Cultivating Positive Attitude in Hard times

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”2 Corinthians 4:16

During tough life circumstances, the tendency to quit and give up in our faith and hope becomes higher. Uncertainty can be scary. We prefer to be able to predict situations and be familiar with them. However, this is not always practical. This is where hope and courage become even more essential. The way we mentally, emotionally, and physically respond during hard times plays a key role in building up our strengths, courage, and optimism. Focus on guarding your attitude and heart:

Rephrase: What is the nature of your expected outcome from the situation? Is limiting or uplifting? Rephrase your uplifting expected outcome into a goal statement or positive expectation statement that can keep your spirit motivated and inspired. Hold on to that even when it may seem not feasible for the time being. “I’m thinking about how I can celebrate with friends and family when this is all over.”

Reaffirm: Repeat that positive goal statement or exciting expectation statement frequently. This affirmation process will reinforce your belief, motivation, and courage. Through this repetition, you can also create a new perspective on the situation. “I know this will all pass because no condition is permanent, and I can celebrate with friends and family.”

Reframe: As you focus on the positive outcome of the situation and using an affirmation to reinforce your belief and motivation, you can also learn to reframe the situation differently. Reframe from allowing the dark side of the situation to occupy your mind. As you start creating a new road map, your desired results will start becoming visible.

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Also, when crisis hits, cultivate an uplifting heart, and don’t forget to be:

Hopeful & Courageous

Empathetic & Considerate

Aware of God’s Love

Realistically Optimistic


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