Why suppress your uniqueness?

The beauty of you being yourself. Do you tend to alter your uniqueness while trying to be seen as “normal or not weird?”

I invite you to watch this video as I share the top 3 fears to overcome so that they don’t suppress your uniqueness or hold back your joy, excitement, and enthusiasm.

Who are you? Who does that? Are you normal? These questions seem to be simple and common and they are used in our daily interactions. They relate to our perception of normality and abnormality. However, the manner in which they are used and the expectations behind them could limit some individuals from truly and freely expressing their uniqueness, joy, excitement, and enthusiasm 

With our perception of normality and abnormality, we hold three main fears that tend to alter our uniqueness in our struggle to be seen as “normal.” In actual fact, normal can be a complex concept to give a general definition to. Here are the top three fears to overcome:

  1. Fear of being seen weird or not normal: What seems normal for one person because of their cultural upbringing might not be normal for another person. When you do what you think is normal and is in line with your authentic self, it brings more fulfillment, you feel at ease, and comfortable and happy.
  2. Fear of not wanting to hurt others’ feelings: Don’t intentionally hurt someone’s feelings with hurtful words or actions or thoughts. But trying to forcefully and untruthfully please others’feelings at the expense of yours can be hurtful to you and them in the long run. Trying to stay true to yourself doesn’t mean you are not normal. 
  3. Fear of not fitting in or not being in conformity: Authenticity is a matter of accepting your uniqueness, your real you, and be comfortable with that. We don’t always have to fit in. Don’t measure your own life by using another person’s tape rule. 

Thank you! You are amazing!

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