ACTION brings Your Purpose + Passion + Vision to LIFE!

What is your sense of purpose? What are your passions? What is your vision?

At different stages along our life journey, we are going to need to provide answers to these questions. And we put ourselves on the road to success when we can define these three integral elements in our lives.

Purpose, vision, and passion are essential ingredients for success and making changes that last. So, having a sense of what each of these integral elements means in our individual lives counts a lot for the accomplishment of our life goals. Frida Kahlo says, “Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change.” Passion provides the bridge, lays the foundation, and gives you the inner boost to develop the desire to do something. Our passions put us on the road to success and making changes to achieve our purpose and vision.

However, what makes you go over that bridge, and complete the journey to reach real results is ACTION. You can have the brightest ideas about your purpose, the inspiring vision, burning passion, and the greatest potential, but when you don’t allow them to EVOLVE by taking action to bring them to life, they DISSOLVE overtime.

Taking practical steps is what helps you turn regrets into progress, pain into change, and a challenging situation into a manageable one. This is what helps you shift your focus from problems of the past to possibilities of the future.

It’s true that many of us may know what we want to do with our lives (purpose). We may also know how we want to live our purpose, where we want to go, or what we want to have or see happening in the world (vision). And some of us may even have that internal drive (passion) that will be calling us to do something to bring our purpose and vision to life. But the truth is that many of us struggle to answer the call and carry it out to completion because we get paralyzed by INACTION (the inability to take action).

Without action, fear and doubt grow. But when we take action, we make room for courage and confidence to flourish.

We know that standing still doesn’t help us much in reaching our dreams, and unlocking our greatest potential, but taking practical steps surely makes the difference.

Here is this week’s call to action:

First, identify one or two things you have been putting off. It could be an aspect of your life that you have wanted to change for a long time. It could be a conversation you have wanted to have with a friend or neighbor or family for a long time. Next, cultivate the courage and confidence and TAN (Take Action Now) to make it happen. ACT, because it is true that Action Changes Things!

As always, please join the conversation. Let me get your insights. Your comments will bless others. Stay tuned. In our next conversation, we will start sharing simple daily practices as powerful tools, and steps to overcome inaction.

Remember to join the journey!

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