“I-CAN-DO” Formula: Create a Change and Reach Your Goal.

Wanting to take a deeper look at important areas of your life in a simple but powerful way? Wanting to set clear goals that will ensure commitment, flexibility, and success? Looking for a simple and self-taught tool for assessing and living a balanced life?

Here is a powerful Self-Taught Model that you can use to begin right now to steer yourself toward a more fulfilled and happy life. This model is known as the “I-CAN-DO” model, which was developed by Curly Martin. Unlike many other goal-setting and change-making models, this is one of the simple but powerful ones to use at ease. The name of the model itself is great for remembrance. It brings you into a positive “I can do” mindset as you embark on the journey of accomplishing any goal or changing any aspect of your life. With six simple steps, it allows you to take daily practical steps that will bring you closer to your goal.

Change can be overwhelming, but change is possible. List each area that is important to you or you want to change. List any goal/dream that you want to reach. Then follow the “I-CAN-DO” formula to set yourself on the road to success. Be honest and get as detailed as possible as you go through this. Sometimes the areas you spend more time on, give a perspective of your priorities.

So, what does the “I-CAN-DO” acronym stand for and how can you use it?

Access your FREE template here to start your successful goal setting or change journey.

I =


gray magnifying glass and eyeglasses on top of open book
Photo by Wallace Chuck on Pexels.com.

Take a look at the various aspects of your life. Investigate which areas are important to you. It could be personal or general. Some common categories may include family, relationship, career, life purpose, happiness, Physical body or health, and spiritual life. Spend some time and think about yourself, your goals, and where you want to be. Investigate and identify which area you want to change. How important is that area or goal to you? Why do you want to reach that goal or make that change? Take your physical health as an example: You want to stay fit and lose weight. Investigate the reason why you want to lose weight.

C =


clear light bulb
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com.

What is your current situation in the area you want to change? Give a brief description of it. Find out where you are at right now and analyze what your current life situation is. If you do not know what is working and how it is working, it becomes difficult to fix it when it breaks. Taking the time to fully assess the current situation can help you figure out what you need to fix it, and how you can go about fixing it. It gives you an understanding of the impact that the situation is having on you. What is your current physical health situation? What is your current weight?

A =


abstract accuracy accurate aim
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com.

What are you aiming for in this area of your life? What are your overall goals and dreams in this area or life in general? Identify your target. Write it down and commit to it. Writing down your goals or targets increases your self-motivation and commitment to accomplishing them. Your goal or the change you want to make must be clear and specific. This will allow you to feel truly focused and motivated for a successful outcome. Know exactly what you want to accomplish or change, why is it important, who is involved, and which resources or obstacles may be associated with it. At what weight exactly do you want to be?

N =


abstract accuracy accurate aim
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com.

Explore several ways to reach what you are aiming for. What number of alternative ways can you use to achieve your aims? What are the different methods or routes to take to get to where you want to be? List as many options as possible. The goal is for you not to run out of options. This will boost your flexibility, which is an essential skill for you to increase your level of success. What are the various steps you can take to lose weight? How many ways can you get to your ideal weight? How many successful methods of weight loss you have heard about or experienced? 

D =


minimalistic composition with stationery
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels.com.

Set the date by when you want to achieve this goal. Date specification is important. It enhances commitment and focus. By what date do you want to achieve your desired aim? This aspect helps track your progress and stay committed. Know when you want to reach your target or get the desired change you want. Break it down into small chunks. Know what you can do today, in 2 weeks, in 30 days, in 60 days, in 6 months and in 365 days. By what date do you want to be at your desired weight?



person holding blue and clear ballpoint pen
Photo by Lukas on Pexels.com.

This is for you to distinguish how you will know that your outcome has been successfully achieved. What are the outcome achievement indicators? How would you know that you have reached your goals or desired state? What does it look like? How would you feel? How would you celebrate your success or reward yourself? How would you know you have reached your desired weight?

You can do this! This is a simple but powerful tool to help you set your goals and achieve them. It helps you identify and make changes that stick. It is so simple that anyone can use it to achieve success in different areas of their life. I would love to hear how your journey is going and let me know best I can support you as we are partners on this journey of daily learning and transformation. 

Take Action Now! Download the “I-CAN-DO” worksheet here to jumpstart your successful change process.

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