3 Tips to Overcoming procrastination

Our good intentions fall through the cracks when they are mostly undermined by our indecision to act. For most people, in addition to fear, the greatest hindrance to making progress, making change, and creating happiness is procrastination. When it comes to taking practical steps to unleash your potential and creating vital changes for a happier and purpose-driven life, overcoming the enemy of “tomorrow” becomes critical.

“I want to lose weight…maybe I can start to exercise tomorrow.”

“I have been meaning to tell her how I feel…I will do it tomorrow.”

“I will work on that idea…I think I still have time.”

Instead of getting stuck in the habit of putting things off for tomorrow, here are 3 steps to help you overcome that inertia:

Be alert and Intentional.

cutout paper composition of yellow signboard with exclamation mark

Be on the watch out for your tendency to procrastinate. Be intentional about taking active steps to create the change you desire. When you start noticing yourself drifting into the zone of procrastination, STOP (Start Taking Ownership Properly) for your plans and turn your good intentions, ideas, solutions into actions. Pause and RESIST the temptation of falling into the trap of procrastination. Then REFOCUS your attention on your goals and TAN (Take Action Now) to accomplish them. 

Be action steps oriented.

person writing a to do list

Identify the action steps needed to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Know what you want. Determine what you need (resources, information, support) to get there. Identify possible obstacles or roadblocks that you may encounter on the way to your aspirations. Brainstorm possible solutions to overcome those obstacles. And come up with the practical steps (daily steps) that you can take to get closer to your desired place. Keep your focus and don’t let your mind wander away. Keep moving. It’s not a race but focus on your pace.

Be Time and Commitment Minded.

person writing a to do list

When exactly do you want to reach your goal or be where you want to be? How committed are you to reaching your desired dream? Your commitment increases your motivation toward your goals. Once you set your time, motivation, and commitment, you can then start taking the practical steps with a free mind to reach your desired dreams.

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