You Are Flawsome!

This week, remember that you are “Flawsome!” Yes, that’s right! Flaws + Awesome = Flawsome! You have FLAWS just like anyone else, but you are still WONDERFUL and AWESOME! Living in a world that is obsessed with perfection … perfect face, perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect all around… it becomes extremely stressful trying to unleashContinueContinue reading “You Are Flawsome!”

Living Happily Ever After…?RECOGNIZE! RE-ENERGIZE! RISE!

Perfect Moment To Unleash Your Joy Today! Photo by Belle Co on RECOGNIZE, RE-ENERGIZE and RISE to Unleash your Joy Today! You can stop waiting for something outside of you to change before you can start living a fulfilling life. Because, when what is INSIDE of us changes, then the force becomes greater toContinueContinue reading “Living Happily Ever After…?RECOGNIZE! RE-ENERGIZE! RISE!”

Time: Unleashing Joy in your Experiencing (the Now) Moments.

Photo by Shubham Sharma on Joy in your “Now” Moments. The Now moments are the active, and lively moments. You use the Now moments to talk about the past and future moments. Time should be seen as a progression from the REMEMBERING (past or gone) to the EXPERIENCING (Now, active or lively) to theContinueContinue reading “Time: Unleashing Joy in your Experiencing (the Now) Moments.”

Layers of limitations to happiness: Layer 5: Not Harmonizing Joy with your TWO-SELVES

Your Experiencing-Self Versus Your Remembering-Self Photo by Pixabay on Harmonizing Joy with your TWO-SELVES Time: Your Experiencing-self Versus Your Remembering-self Question: You are anticipating to go on an amazing vacation. Do you imagine it in the form of feeling the experience itself or in the form of the memory you are going to getContinueContinue reading “Layers of limitations to happiness: Layer 5: Not Harmonizing Joy with your TWO-SELVES”

Layers of limitations to happiness: Layer 2: Finding Happiness- Within Vs Outside

Coexistence of happiness, purpose, success, and productivity Common Assumptions: True or False? – “Happiness is a choice”, “You are happy if you make up your mind to be happy”, “Hard work plus success will bring you the happiness.” I wonder: If happiness is a choice, why can’t we all decide to be happy? Why canContinueContinue reading “Layers of limitations to happiness: Layer 2: Finding Happiness- Within Vs Outside”