You Are Flawsome!

This week, remember that you are “Flawsome!” Yes, that’s right!

Flaws + Awesome = Flawsome!

You have FLAWS just like anyone else, but you are still WONDERFUL and AWESOME! Living in a world that is obsessed with perfection … perfect face, perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect all around… it becomes extremely stressful trying to unleash your authentic self.

And here is the thing: It’s okay not to have everything PERFECT all the time. As humans, we are bundles of imperfection.

It’s common for people to be so quick in pointing out your flaws. However, your job is to become even quicker to celebrate your strengths.

You are not to allow others to knock you down just because of your flaws. And most especially, you are not to knock yourself down because of your flaws.

Here’s the truth: You are not more important than anyone else, but YOU are certainly as important as everybody else.

Our flaws don’t define us. They don’t have to take away your significant value as a human being unless you let them. Your flaws don’t have control over your life unless you allow them to.

Identify and use your strengths and talents in ways that can allow you to be your most authentic self. Because of your ‘Flawsomeness and Awesomeness,” you hold the ability to keep being you, keep up with your self-improvement, and keep becoming the most powerful version of yourself every day.

Of course, don’t get me wrong. You need to take the courage to recognize and accept any specific character flaws that are affecting your life negatively or might be holding you back from progressing, reaching your goals, unleashing your life purpose, and fulfilling your destiny.

Once you recognize those limiting character flaws, embrace yourself in ways that can allow you to make the necessary adjustments and changes that will help you live a full life of freedom, value, and impact.

There may be people around you who just keep looking for your flaws, but keep reminding yourself of your strengths and wonderful God-given potential.

Remember… we are all works in progress and we all occupy the largest room as humans: The Room for IMPROVEMENT!

You have flaws and we all do. But you have strengths and wonderful God-given potential to keep being the best version of yourself every day…And that makes you FLAWSOME!

You are too blessed to be stressed! Refocus your energy on celebrating your strengths, accepting yourself, and doing self-improvement where necessary.

You Are Flawsome! You have flaws just like anyone else, but you are still wonderful and awesome! Sometimes, our obsession with PERFECTION brings us more FRUSTRATION in life.

Have an awesome week, my dear Flawsome friend!

Published by Nabs and Kim Nabieu!

Kim and Nabs are a young couple who are passionate about engaging, empowering, and transforming the next generation for greatness. They offer transformation coaching services that are guaranteed to help teens and young adults discover their greatest potential, transform from within, create lasting changes, accomplish life goals, and live their best lives.

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