You Are Flawsome!

This week, remember that you are “Flawsome!” Yes, that’s right! Flaws + Awesome = Flawsome! You have FLAWS just like anyone else, but you are still WONDERFUL and AWESOME! Living in a world that is obsessed with perfection … perfect face, perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect all around… it becomes extremely stressful trying to unleashContinueContinue reading “You Are Flawsome!”

4 Practices For Managing Daily Frustration

We all want to succeed at what we do. We want to achieve our goals. We want things to go according to a specific plan or how we want them. We have specific expectations, and when they are not met, we get frustrated. When things don’t go our way, we feel powerless to change theContinueContinue reading “4 Practices For Managing Daily Frustration”

Changing your disabling beliefs with the “Self-Talk Interrupt” Formula.

Your beliefs can be changed. You can start right now to change any limiting or disabling beliefs that are holding you back from creating the life you want. Use this practical and simple “Self-Talk Interrupt” formula to help you overcome any disabling beliefs that may be holding you back: Identify underlying beliefs/self-talk: When you thinkContinueContinue reading “Changing your disabling beliefs with the “Self-Talk Interrupt” Formula.”

Daily practical steps to Change and Happiness: #2

Hello there! Here are 3 daily practical steps to overcome Negative Self-Talks with Positive Thoughts as you create change and happiness. Watch the video below:×970-1.jpg&preloadContent=metadata We are identifying and overcoming those barriers holding us back from creating change and happiness. And we are doing this by taking daily practical steps. Replace your Automatic NegativeContinueContinue reading “Daily practical steps to Change and Happiness: #2”

Can old dogs learn new tricks? Can People Change?

Are you getting stuck at a point, and you feel like giving up because you think people don’t change or old dogs don‘t learn new tricks? I invite you to watch this video as I share top 7 tips for overcoming these limiting beliefs: Here are 7 tips to overcome your doubt or beliefs that couldContinueContinue reading “Can old dogs learn new tricks? Can People Change?”