3 Simple Things That Can Add Beauty to Your Daily Life!

Embracing Simplicity helps us live a more balanced and fulfilling life. It is the ability to let go of the unnecessary and focus on what truly matters. When we think about creating a beautiful life, many things come to mind. Some of those things are complex while others are simple. The truth is this: Life’s true beautyContinueContinue reading “3 Simple Things That Can Add Beauty to Your Daily Life!”

You Are Flawsome!

This week, remember that you are “Flawsome!” Yes, that’s right! Flaws + Awesome = Flawsome! You have FLAWS just like anyone else, but you are still WONDERFUL and AWESOME! Living in a world that is obsessed with perfection … perfect face, perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect all around… it becomes extremely stressful trying to unleashContinueContinue reading “You Are Flawsome!”

Every Day Counts!

It’s another week! A new day to make change happens. Indeed, every day may not be as good as you may want it…but there is something good in every day. https://youtu.be/XCkAdwm-mUY Look for that goodness. Hang on to it and make it better. Make it as unique as you are. Remember not to be heldContinueContinue reading “Every Day Counts!”